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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Beechmont Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY, online. We hope that our website highlights the worship, fellowship and service opportunities available.

Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor!

Who We Are 


A Multicultural Congregation that has bilingual services every Sunday at 11a.m. ET

Our Mission


God calls us to be an inclusive inter-cultural faith community responding together to the leading of the Holy Spirit through working, interacting and learning side-by-side, in mutual worship, study, service & prayer, growing as disciples and partners with Christ in our ever-chaning church, neighborhood, and world.

Worship Services


Bi-Lingual Services are held Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Joint Multi-Lingual Services are held on the first Sunday of each month, after which a Pot Luck Luncheon is held in the auditorium.  Bring a favorite dish to share! 

               Celebrating Four Years of  

               Service:  October 2, 2019!!!

                      It's been four years since Beechmont

                      Presbyterian Church welcomed

                      Rev. Marissa Galván-Valle as our



We are proud to continue this relationship into year four!   Bringing Marissa on-board in October 2015, was the culmination of work over the period of a year by the Pastor Nominating Committee comprised of Kevin Jett, Esther Janice Rodriguez, Deysi Aguilera, and Lionel Derenoncourt. 


Marissa and her mother, Blanca Valle, have been committed participants in the life of BPC for over fifteen years.  She was instrumental in providing interim leadership and support in all aspects of our congregational life and she has transitioned smoothly to her formal role with BPC. 


She continues to serve us on a part-time basis, while fulfilling her full-time position at PCUSA!

BPC Parish Associates

        Rev. Debbie Braaksma

         Rev. K. T. Ockles

Braaksma        Ockels

We are proud to have established Honorary Parish Associate Relationships between BPC, Rev. Debbie Braaksma and Rev. K. T. Ockels. Ordained teaching elders of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) have an official ecclesiastical relationship with a Presbytery, but they are not members of any particular congregation.  Therefore, we are happy to enjoy these honorary “official” relationships with them.  BPC is grateful to Debbie & K.T. for their faithfulness, partnership, hard work and the sharing of their many talents and gifts with us!

Prayer Concerns for...
Souza, Viisha Pauahi1.jpg

LPTS Internship Program Update!  The Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary invites BPC to begin a partnership to supervise and work with one of their students for the coming 2019-2020 academic year.  Under this program, the student experiences congregational field education (FE) and deep academic reflection in a course entitled Practical Theology in Congregations (PTC).  There will be weekly, meetings, as well as BPC participation in two PTC class sessions each semester.

We are pleased to announce that Viisha Souza, LPTS Seminary student and Student Body Representative serving on the Alum Board of Directors, will be joining us as a seminary intern!  In addition to her studies, she will attend session, work with youth, and assist in providing pastoral care & preaching, etc. 


This is an 8 ½ month commitment where students work approximately 14 hours per week.  BPC will pay a stipend during this time of service from Mis-September 2019 through May, 2020.   We look forward to meeting Viisha and working with her during this time with us!


  • Our BPC congregation & our pastor as we continue a new, exciting chapter together and being more intentional about our presence in the community.

  • Members/Friends of BPC undergoing surgery, dealing with health issues & navigating the health care system.

  • BPC Sunday School seeking teachers & helpers.

  • BPC Youth Group.

  • Travelers;  Mission personnel preparing for their work and service; & Mission Trips.

  • People in countries devastated by natural & man-made disasters.

  • South Sudan Conflict:  Wisdom; Reconciliation; Forgiveness

  • Refugees leaving possessions and homelands & countries seeking answers and solutions.

  • Honoring those special members (mothers & fathers) of the generation that went before us, who inspired & taught the next generation about love and faith.

  • College-bound students who are away from home & their families.

  • Friends, family and loved ones going through struggles with jobs and/or worries about the future.

  • Shootings in the United States and our local Louisville community; growing numbers of homeless youth in KY; & the large numbers of people released from prison looking for meaningful employment.

                                                                                                       ...Lord, Hear our prayers.


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